New Opening 2023

RV74 opens a new space in Madrid.
Located in a 1964 shed-cabin, it presents by the hand of Marta de la Rica
a theater in which the stage is a blank canvas that is transformed in each play.
There, act after act, decorations and conversations are exchanged
to create new worlds and live a creative experience behind the scenes.

Now, the brand premieres The Act.
A new space in Madrid that breaks the fourth wall
to turn the public into protagonist.

A selection of designer pieces, objects and furniture signed by
Paolo Venini, Mario Botta, Gianfranco Frattini, Ernesto Treccani,
Roberto Pamio and Renato Toso among others,
give life to this new 500 m2 space.
A new step that elevates the RV74 experience to another dimension.

Welcome to
The Act.
SPACE: RV74 in Martín Machío 8 ·
ART DIRECTION: Martha of the Rich · PHOTOGRAPHY: Cristina Gongora y Manolo Yllera · ART: Garna Art Gallery with The Power of Yellow de Angela Mena