Voyage. RV74 House

The journey begins within.
We transform ourselves to share with you in a sincere way where we come from, where we are and where we are going. Today, on our trip we make a stop to talk to you as we had not done before the starting point, our house.
After deep reflection and with a new look, we have carried out a transformation of our main space. Our nave becomes a temple covered by the natural clays of the millenary tradition of Ecoclay. An inner journey that speaks of the effect of the passage of time, the irregularity of the craftsmanship and the beauty of imperfect patinas. The history of our pieces also invades our walls and under the same box we honestly materialize our values.
From lat. mediev. praeludium, der. from lat. praeludĕre 'prelude'.
1. m. That which precedes and serves as an entrance, preparation or beginning to something.
This sanctuary that solemnly houses our history becomes a refined meeting point. Three independent spaces, Lobby, Gallery and Patio, which function as one.
Welcome to our temple.
DRAFT: Amaya de Toledo, Manolo Yllera and Ivan Yllera to TEMPERANTIA STUDY · PHOTOGRAPHY: Manolo Yllera · ART DIRECTION: Amaya from Toledo · TEXTURES: ecoclay · ART: Marlborough Gallery | Javier López & Fer Frances · FLOWERS: Floral